All About Me

Junior Infants have been learning all about themselves this month. They have looked at different body parts, the stages of growing up, they have shared information on the things they like and don’t like and have learned that there are lots of different types of families.

Today they created little people, with thanks to this lovely art activity for one of the boys birthday! It was a wonderful art activity which tied in with their topic beautifully and the children loved making their own little person!


One Million Words!

5th and 6th Class have a competition running this year to see who can be the first to read one million words. I never expected it to be reached after just 4 weeks in school! What an incredible achievement for Harriet Nielsen in 6th Class. We are all so proud of her! As you can see from the graph, there are many more not far behind her. It’s great to see so many avid readers in the senior end of the school. Harriet won a voucher for Bridge Street Books so she can read the next million. Well done, Harriet!

5th and 6th Class Film Club

5th and 6th Class had their first film viewing this month. We watched Song of the Sea - a beautifully animated story about a little girl who has magical powers that help her save the selkies in an ancient mythical world. We all enjoyed it and it sparked lots of lively discussion about the topics it dealt with. Afterwards, we created our own ‘Selkie Coat’ - an item that allows us to have magical powers and become who we want to be. Here are some of our creations.

Gaeilge in 1st & 2nd

This month 1st and 2nd class are working hard learning all about the theme ‘Mé féin’ in Irish. With the weather being so fine lately, they took advantage and did some life size chalk drawings around the yard which they labelled the different body parts on. It is a great reminder to passers by to try and use Irish around the school as often as possible.



The Junior Infants have settled in so well to big school and have adapted so well to their new routine. They are enjoying learning lots of new things. Look how well they can already sort groups of things in our classroom!

All About Me

Junior Infants are very proud to share their first art project with you all. We are learning all about ourselves this month and so we made our faces on paper plates. We looked at the colour of our eyes, the colour and style of our hair and most importantly, how we are all different!

1st Day of School

All the teachers and staff are delighted to welcome our new Junior Infants to school this year! They have all come to school with big smiles on their faces.

Finn O'Donnell, Heidi O'Sheehan and Oliver Maxwell.JPG

Graduation 2020

Last Friday, Nun’s Cross NS bid farewell to 6th class of 2020 through our virtual Graduation ceremony which was a rollercoaster of emotions from start to finish. We were joined by staff, parents and students from other classes along with Reverend Rue in wishing them the very best of luck as they move on to secondary school. There was a great sense of being together though far apart as our whole school community came together in wishing the young ladies and gentlemen well. The class of 2020 will go down in history in Nuns Cross NS.

Video courtesy of

Covid-19 going down in history

This week 5th and 6th class were set the challenge of designing a history chapter documenting Covid-19 which could appear in a text book for senior primary school pupils. Take a look at one of our outstanding efforts below.

Amber Flag Award

We are delighted to announce that Nun’s Cross have been awarded their very first Amber Flag award. This award is presented to schools who make a conscious effort to promote and improve the well-being and mental health of their school community.

Nun’s Cross began the process at the beginning of the academic year and began by setting up an Amber Flag committee made up with a selection of students from each of the classes from 2nd-6th. The students who felt they could make a contribution to this area submitted an application and from these, 6 students were chosen.

Together with the leading teacher, Mrs Gannon, the committee worked hard throughout the year to make positive changes and to co-ordinate events to promote positive mental health and well-being in our students, teachers, and parents.

They introduced ‘Worry Boxes’ to each classroom to help children who have worries and who may not be able to verbalise these to have a way to talk to an adult who can help.

worry box.jpg

The committee also coordinated a Well-Being week where the school dedicated more time each day to positive well-being. Some activities that the classes did were meditation, mindful colouring, mindful homework activities in place of regular homework, extra relaxing time including reading, listening to music etc, each class took part in yoga or Pilates, we held a fundraiser for Pieta house and designed well-being posters to display around the school.


With thanks to Saint Patrick’s Mental Health Services and also thanks to our PTA for hosting, we had a parents evening event to help educate our school community on children’s mental Health and well-being.

Of course we had lots more planned for this year that unfortunately had to be cut short but we will pick up where we left off as soon as we get back to school.

The committee would like to thank all the students, teachers and parents for all their help in our mission to gain our first Amber flag for Nun’s Cross. Also a big thank you to Pieta House for recognising all our hard work and for all the hard work they do to help people who need their support!

Dear Amber Flag Committee in Nun’s Cross National School,

We, at Pieta, are delighted to inform you that your school has been awarded with the Amber Flag! 😊

We would like to thank the Amber Flag Committee for their commitment and dedication to promoting Positive Mental Health in your school this year. As you know in order to receive a Pieta Amber Flag you have to set and achieve goals throughout the year and our team found your application to be an outstanding initiative promoting positive mental health. We are truly overwhelmed with the amazing initiatives being run in schools this year. You are all a credit to your school.

We know how difficult the last few months have been and we are so thankful that you were able to achieve your goals either in person or “virtually”. We understand it’s been a trying time for the Amber Flag Committee but we hope that you can look back on your achievements throughout the year and be grateful of the time you spent together and the goals you’ve accomplished! Don’t underestimate the positive impact that your work has had this year. We, here at Pieta, certainly don’t.
We are hoping to send the physical flags once we get back from working remotely, hopefully this will be in September so thank you for your understanding.

Again, well done to all of you. Pieta’s Amber Flag Team hope that you are proud of all your accomplishments this year, especially in spite of the current situation. We certainly are!

Kindest regards,

The Pieta Amber Flag Team

Newton’s cradle

In 5th and 6th class this week we were tasked with designing and making a Newtons Cradle which demonstrates the conservation of momentum and energy.

A Virtual Visit From The Gardaí

The Junior Infants are learning their topic of Emergency Helpers this month!

So far we have learned about the ambulance service, the fire service and this week we have been looking at the job of the Gardaí. The children have been busy working all week on their own little projects which included visits to local Garda stations, drawing pictures, role playing, making Lego figures around our topic and reading stories about what its like to be a Garda.

Today we had some very special visitors to our virtual classroom. Many thanks to Garda Brian and Garda Martin for the time they gave to the children to help them learn about the job they do. They gave the children lovely compliments on the work they have done, showed them their cool equipment and uniform and they were able to answer all of the children’s questions.

Addition Machines

Junior Infants are very busy this week as they are beginning to start addition sums. To help us with this task we have engaged our creative sides and have been busy making addition machines to help us have a visual representation of the process. Our machines help us to see that if we add a group of objects in one side and another set in the other side, they form one bigger group which is the two sets combined. Well done to all the junior infants for their creative work!

Junior Infants Distance Learning

We may not be in school at the moment but the Junior Infants are showing how much they love school with all the work they are busy doing at home. They are working so hard, and still having lots of fun in the good weather and I am very proud! The children are still learning their sounds, tricky words, working on their maths and have even started a new topic learning all about our community and our wonderful emergency services.

The children are celebrating birthdays, climbing trees, using their imagination, getting lots of fresh air and helping out at home too!

Well done to all the boys and girls - keep up all your great work and I will see you very soon!

We have been working really hard, and making really cool games to help, learning our tricky words!
We are getting loads of practice of reading and writing our cvc words
Of course the school work is important, but so it playing outside and celebrating our birthdays!
We are all learning about our community and our emergency services work very hard to help us!

1st Class Science Experiments

First Class are learning about Heat this month. We are having lots of fun exploring its properties and here is an example of how one of our students got on with one of her experiments. Well done!

Learning at home

Since our school closed on the 12th of March, teaching and learning has been drastically changed. Children have been engaging with their learning from a distance, with the support of their parents. We, as teachers, have been blown away by the fantastic projects, stories and pictures which have been sent to us over the past number of weeks. So here is a little sneak peak at some of the wonderful work we have received.


Crazy critters

A Junior Entrepreneur creation

These crazy critters were created by first cutting some felt, sewing three sides, packing with stuffing and then sewing the final side. Then they were decorated. They are intended to be used as a sensory comforter or stress reliever

We have been doing lots of STEM activities at home. The challenge here was to design and make a solar oven. This solar oven was used to melt chocolate for making Krispie buns.

This is a picture I drew for an art competition in the Irish Times last week, where you were asked to draw a picture of what you have been doing or how you have been feeling during ‘Stay at Home’ time.

I have drawn ‘Home School’ and catching up with school friends on Zoom, baking, gardening and Easter fun that included an Easter Egg Hunt 🐣 🐰 The rainbow and heart are for love and hope 💓!

Little women 1.jpg
Report I wrote about my favourite movie through Irish.

Focusing on Ancient Greece and trying to be as creative as possible.


Design and make a wind turbine

Design and make a waterwheel

Eason Spelling Bee

Today 5th and 6th class participated in the Eason Spelling Bee competition in our class. We were given a list of spellings across two rounds and we found our successful speller who beat off some very tough competition to progress to the Wicklow finals.

The Eason Spelling Bee provides the opportunity for students across Ireland to get off their devices, improve their spelling skills, make new friends and develop their vocabulary.

Portraits in 5th and 6th

Today 5th and 6th class completed some portraits where they were challenged to sketch some larger than life selfies, and then paint over them using only black paint. We found it difficult to use only the black paint but we quickly realised some useful techniques for making the most of the single colour of paint. Take a look at some of our efforts below: