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Nun’s Cross N.S. is a nut free school in order to protect students in attendance from anaphylaxis.  Please see below a list of identified foods which are prohibited in our school. 

1.  Almonds

2. Brazil nuts

3. Cashews

4. Chestnuts

5. Hazelnuts

6. Macadamias

7. Mixed nuts

8. Peanuts

9. Pecans

10. Pine nuts

11. Pistachio nuts

12. Walnuts

13. Nut filled chocolate spreads (eg Nutella or other brand)

14. Nut butters

15. Pestos (usually contains pine nuts or cashew nuts)

16. Breakfast cereals and muesli bars containing nuts

17. Chocolate containing nuts (eg. Snickers bars)

18. Baklava, Greek pastry (walnut or peanut)

19. Marzipan (almond)

20. Praline (usually hazelnut)

21. Nut biscuits such as amaretti, macaroons

22. Florentines (almond)

23. Nut milk (eg. Almond milk)

24. The flower Lupins


·  Besides the list of foods not allowed, it is important that children wash their hands well before school if they have had nuts in the morning.

·   On Fridays, extra caution is necessary to ensure no nut products make their way into school as treats are permitted on this day.

·  Birthday treats in the form of food are also not permitted.  If parents wish, a small pack of bubbles or some small gift may be given to children.